April 1, 2010
Day 16 and All Is Well ! Or, is it?
The Villains - With members of the Villains still somewhat taken back by the events at the last tribal council, there is much discussion as to what is happening, who is in and who is out! Rob, in particular was shocked at the fact that Russell would maneuver Tyson's elimination despite the fact that he and his alliance was still the minority. How he managed to save himself, save Parvati and eliminate a least expecting, Tyson. INCREDIBLE. Rob was wondering if the joke was on him! PERHAPS, PERHAPS, we shall see. Russell and Danielle, in their discussion, took Jerri into their confidences with thoughts of getting her alliance, thus strengthening their power. Russell's show of support to a tribe member impressed Jerri and thereby gained the respect of another tribal member. The Heroes - Back at camp they were discussing their need to stay strong. Colby said it was now time to "put up or shut up"
Jeff called both tribes for the Reward Challenge which involved a water-logged basketball challenge. They were battling for a trip to a waterfall with a spread of meat, fish and fresh fruit. Using only one ball, between the two tribes, the first team to score three baskets would be declared the winners. The tribes were split into male and female teams (3 each). The Heroes were victorious - 3 to 0 BIG WIN!
While the Heroes were enjoying their food reward, Candice discovered a note saying that there was another immunity idol at camp. Among the tribe members, it was decided that they should look for and find it as a tribe. WRONG?
Meanwhile, back at the Villains' camp , Russell was up to his usual.... strategizing . . . telling Jerri and Coach that he wanted the three of them to go to the finals. Jerri was drawn in immediately because she did not really trust Rob, but Coach was not sure he wanted to buy-in. He felt he was left without a real choice since Jerri had really committed him without first discussing it with him. Jerri convinced Coach that he should go with it because he saw that they should align themselves with someone who is determined to win and she didn't feel that Coach really had that same determination.
Immunity Challenge Jeff summoned the tribes together for the Immunity Challenge to determine which tribe would go to Tribal Council for an elimination. The tribes faced off in a obstacle course in which they had to collect puzzle pieces. The first tribe to collect all of the pieces and assemble the puzzle would win Immunity. Despite their lead, the Villains lost the challenge and were doomed to Tribal Council.
Back at the Villains' camp "strategy reigned supreme". Russell said that Rob wanted to keep his alliance strong. Coach and Rob discussed potential votes and Coach said that he felt that Courtney should go because she is a weak player and that they needed to focus on maintaining a strong tribe. Rob wanted Russell voted off. Russell, in his discussions with Rob had targeted Sandra or Courtney. Strategy ran wild.... Later, Russell along with his alliance of Danielle, Parvati, and Jerri set out to get Coach on their side to enable them to blindside "Boston" Rob. Although Coach still had trust issues regarding Russell, he bought into the plan. By all appearances, the plan was in place! Rob, in his wisdom saw the handwriting on the wall and appealed to Jerri, saying she was a smart girl and knew what to do.
Tribal Council
Jeff posed the question: Is this tribe in trouble? Different tribal members spoke up and gave a clear indication that this is a tribe divided. Members were becoming paranoid about the alliances and that tonight's vote would see multiple votes. Could they get a majority, to enable a clear elimination? Rob expressed that the votes would bring this tribe together. Hmm Interesting! Before dismissing the members for their vote, Jeff said "this is a turning point for this tribe". The Vote: Courtney- 1, Russell - 3, Rob -4 Thus, Boston Rob Mariano was voted off.

Good-bye Rob. You will be missed.
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