Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Night 14 opens at the Villains' camp with Rob and Russell in conversation whereby Rob is trying to convince Russell that he is not against him but told him to watch his back. Meanwhile back in the Heroes' camp, Colby is reflecting on his standing in the tribe - odd man out- now that Tom has been voted off. James was being given a talk about how he was not being fair with his tribe mates because he was eating the majority of the banana. Together they discussed appropriate behavior in those regards. Throughout, James was professing the rules of etiquette regarding bananas.
The next day tree mail was received in the camps and was vague but indicates that the competition will be for individual immunity, not the customary tribal immunity. When Jeff's summons them for competition they realize that each tribe will play for one person to win an immunity idol and that at the next elimination ceremony there will be one person from each tribe eliminated. This one competition serves not only to determine which member of each tribe gets the immunity idol but a show down to see which tribe is the overall winner and gets a treat of hot dogs/buns and sodas while they watch the other tribe's council meeting. The competition involved being attached to a rope and working through a maze to untangle themselves. Winners: Heroes - Candice, Villains - Rob.
Night 14 opens at the Villains' camp with Rob and Russell in conversation whereby Rob is trying to convince Russell that he is not against him but told him to watch his back. Meanwhile back in the Heroes' camp, Colby is reflecting on his standing in the tribe - odd man out- now that Tom has been voted off. James was being given a talk about how he was not being fair with his tribe mates because he was eating the majority of the banana. Together they discussed appropriate behavior in those regards. Throughout, James was professing the rules of etiquette regarding bananas.
The next day tree mail was received in the camps and was vague but indicates that the competition will be for individual immunity, not the customary tribal immunity. When Jeff's summons them for competition they realize that each tribe will play for one person to win an immunity idol and that at the next elimination ceremony there will be one person from each tribe eliminated. This one competition serves not only to determine which member of each tribe gets the immunity idol but a show down to see which tribe is the overall winner and gets a treat of hot dogs/buns and sodas while they watch the other tribe's council meeting. The competition involved being attached to a rope and working through a maze to untangle themselves. Winners: Heroes - Candice, Villains - Rob.
The Show Down Winner was "Boston" Rob.
Back in the camps all were scurrying to determine who would be voted off at the next council meeting. In the Heroes' camp Colby tells everyone that he believes he'll be going. He tells the others to enjoy the day and that they shouldn't give out any information to the other tribe. James feels that Colby is giving up. Others go about discussion James, in light of his leg injury. The Villains had more work to do to make the determination of the tribe member to be sent home. The perceived plan was to eliminate Parvati while telling Russell that he's the one going so that they can flush out his idol, found in the camp. Russell, in his wisdom, believes it will be Parvati so he plans to give her his idol in order to save her since they are allies. He talks with Tyson regarding his vote since he figures he has a key vote in the success of the night's elimination. Meanwhile Rob is strategizing so that it will be either Russell or Parvati.
Tribal Council
The Villains - Jeff raised the question- " How has the game changed?", to the Villains. Replies included: it was "game-on" righ
t-away, and the hidden individual immunity idols. The vote was taken and prior to the reading of the votes, Russell gave his immunity idol to Parvati. The vote proved very interesting - Parvati had the greatest number of votes, Tyson second greatest and Russell the least. Because of Parvati's immunity idol, she was saved and that left Tyson to be eliminated. Gosh- imagine that.... Russell "wins again".

The Heroes - When Jeff met with the Heroes, The Villains enjoyed their food reward and listened to discussion, but were
dismissed just before the vote was taken. In discussion with members of the Heroes, Rupert said that the line between the Heroes and Villains is blurred. Colby admitted that he has not performed well and James offered that the tribe is made up of "doers" and "sayers". It is doubtful that the Villains learned much, if anything about their opponents. After the Villains left the council meeting, the vote was taken and Colby and James received the votes, with James being eliminated.

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