Episode 4: "Tonight, We Make Our Move" Day 9 started and we found ourselves observing a near melt-down by Coach. He was agonizing over comments made by Sandra at the last tribal council. He went so far as to declare that he "might just leave tonight". Tyson listened while he vented, gave him some advice and encouragement and then went to tell Boston Rob who sought Coach out to attempt to reassure him that his place in the tribe was safe.
With a crisis averted life moved on with enthusiastic receipt of tree-mail preparing the tribe for their next Reward Challenge. The reward: Two items selected from a Sears catalogue. Heroes chose a fishing kit and a kitchen set while the Villains chose a power tool set and shelter equipment. The slip-sliding challenge was another victory for the Villains.
Personal Immunity Idol- The Villains:
The Villains found their clue to their hidden idol in the knife-pouch which was part of the reward items received as winners of the Reward Challenge. Sandra made the point that whoever found it would then be voted out next in order to flush out the idol. The rest of the tribe agreed. Despite this pronouncement Russell announced that he was going for a walk when he was really going to try to find the idol. (Not a smart move for Russell, why didn't he just sneak away, then his chance of finding it would have been better and would be unknown to tribe members.)
The Immunity Challenge
One castaway from each team would be strapped into a wooden spherical cage and would be guided by two blindfolded team members through a maze through the forest. At the end of the maze was a labyrinth-like table maze. The team member in the cage then directed four blindfolded team members resulting in solving the table maze. The first team finishing the table maze was declared the winner of the Tribal Immunity Idol. The Villains won. This made them three time winners. Three out of four is pretty good I'd say.
Personal Immunity Idols - The Heroes: Back at camp the Heroes found a clue to the location of their hidden immunity idol. The Heroes chose to scatter out at the same time to find the immunity idol. Tom found the idol but, despite him trying to keep others from knowing, was seen by Amanda who went to other tribe members convincing them that Tom should be voted off in order to remove the idol from play. Tom however had a different plan. Tom, Colby and J.T., knowing of the plan of other tribe members to split the vote in order to send Colby home and flush out the immunity idol, united in their vote to eliminate Cirie in order to keep the team strong physically to enable them to win over the Villains. Interestingly, each tribe dealt with the challenge of finding their idol in a different way.
The Heroes went to Tribal Council and there was discussion between tribe members about the need to bond together to win challenges and the recognition that it is too early to vote out the strong tribe members. The vote was taken and split three ways...votes received for Tom were cast aside since he chose to use his immunity idol. The remaining votes were cast for Colby and Cirie. Cirie's Tribal torch was snuffed out and Cirie was banished from Samoa.
Profile for Hero Cirie Fields
Cirie Fields (39) is married and a mother of three children. Survivor: Heroes vs Villains makes her third Survivor appearance; the others being Panama and Micronesia
What do you think of the tribe strategies?
Watch for SURVIVOR- HEROES vs VILLAINS- Thursday on CBS
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