Sunday, March 7, 2010
"We're No Longer In The Bible Belt"
(Cord and Jett's comment upon arrival at the INDRA CLUB)
"We're No Longer In The Bible Belt"
(Cord and Jett's comment upon arrival at the INDRA CLUB)
Cord and Jett, the cowboy brothers are coming into this episode with a second consecutive victory.
Monique and Shawne (above) were eliminated as the late-comers to the pit stop.
Episode #04 in a Capsule
As this episode begins, the eight teams are about to travel 8,000 miles to Germany from Argentina. Their choices of schedules - direct flight or with transfer in Sao Paulo, Brazil or Paris, is theirs. Admittedly the decisions were based on seat availability. Upon arrival in Frankfurt, Germany they then had to take a train to Hamberg. Again, this was not without incident. Upon arrival in Hamberg they found their first clue which was an Intersection.
What is an intersection? Something new!
The Intersection is whereby one member of each team is mutually paired to a partner from another team and together they compete in a Roadblock. The intersection, to Reach New Heights, to be done by the newly partnered teams, was to make a 150 foot tandem bungee jump in the center of the city. Each team had it's own challenge. Bungee jumping was new for each and there were various personal issues; the least of which was whether or not the cowboy's hat would stay on during the jump. Well, it did! He was right when he said a cowboy never loses his hat! Following their successful jump each team was given a clue which directed them to a statue of Kaiser Wilhelm which is located in Altonaer Tathaus, Germany. Because they took a taxi instead of the "metro", the teams of Cord/Jett and Louie/Michael arrived first, only to find a Detour.
The Soccer challenge required that they successfully kick a soccer ball through 5 targets. As expected some people did better than others. The quicker they got the five targets the earlier they moved on. The Sauerkraut challenge required that a large plate of sauerkraut be eaten before the German band completed a sauerkraut polka. The key here, of course, was how fast the sauerkraut could be consumed. Not completing the dish of sauerkraut meant that another polka would be played and a new plate of sauerkraut would be given to them with hopes of total consumption prior to the end of the music. Amazing, some teams did really wellbut some teams were slowed down because a partner found it difficult to eat sauerkraut. One team, Jordan and Jeff chose to abandon the Sauerkraut challenge and perform the Soccer challenge, which did cause them some delay putting them in jeapordy of elimination at the pit stop.
Upon completion of the Soccer or Sauerkraut challenge each team received a clue which directed them to the Haifisch Bar. Travel from the Soccer/Sauerkraut location to the Haifisch Bar was not without incident. Again, Jordan and Jeff seemed to have more than their share of frustration when they realized that their cab driver was traveling in the wrong direction, despite his use of a GPS. You only get out of GPS what you put into it - a costly mistake. Once each team reached the bar the challenge was to share a large boot of beer in order to receive their clue to the next destination. All teams managed to perform that challenge although some did better at it than others; if you know what I mean.
The clue given following the beer chugging challenge represented a Speed Bump. It directed them to the Beatles-Platz a monument honoring the Beatles and to the INDA CLUB which was in the red-light district of the city. This proved to be an eye-opening experience for some. From the cowboys we heard, "We're no longer in the Bible belt." Some fun was had by all. Most important though was getting to the pit stop, which was a ground pad nearby.
The Pit Stop: Of course, Phil was waiting to welcome each team upon arrival. First to arrive was the detectives Louie and Michael. Each member of the team was rewarded with a Discover gift card worth $5000.00. Gee, just think of it.... a belly full of beer and money too! One by one the teams arrived until finally Jordan and Jeff, who were anticipating elimination checked in. They were quickly told by Phil that this was a non-elimination leg of the race. WOW! Is that luck or what? Jeff made his profound statement: "When you're down and out . . . that's when your true personality comes out. I feel like we're going to rebound from this and it should make us a stronger team."
Was there a lesson learned from Jordan and Jeff's experience?
Given this second chance, will Jordan and Jeff last 'til the end?
SUNDAY, MARCH 14,2010 - CBS 8:00 PM EST
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