SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 2010
9:00 - 11:00 PM NBC
Donald gives the contestants their next challenge; to create an advertorial consisting of four pages which would serve the bundled companies of Norton 360 and LifeLock. Later it was explained that the advertorial may be used in Time Magazine or on the Internet on Time.com.
At the request of the Company Executives, one member from each team is to be selected as the spokesperson for the advertisement. It is understood that the project will be judges on it's creativity, brand integration, the celebrity spokesperson and overall presentation.
Project Managers were: Tenacity - Summer Rock Solid - Michael As usual, the project manager for the winning team will get $20, 000 for his/her charity.
Each team meets with the executives from Norton 360 and Lifelock for further information about the new bundled service; that is, personal security and security on the Internet.
Tenacity: Cyndi, as usual gets sidetracked and causes some confusion delaying the start of work on the project.
Rock Solid - Despite Bret's continual questioning, Michael is trying to clarify the understanding, for the team, as to what an advertorial is. Interestingly enough, Bret thinks that his questioning was "helping" the team. (We all know "that the road to hell is paved with good intentions".)
Choice of spokesperson: Over at Team Tenacity, there is some disagreement as to who should be selected spokesperson. Maria nominates Cyndi, but Summer selects Sharon Osborne; trying not to hurt Cyndi's feelings about the selection. With this decision made the team is a little divided with Maria feeling that the ultimate decision was a "mistake". Michael, at Rock Solid selects Curtis as the celebrity spokesperson over the objection from Rob who feels that Michael himself should assume that role in the project. Both teams move forward with the feeling of a "mistake" in decision making right from the start.
Other project assignments
Tenacity - Selita (the model) is assigned to be art director for the project over Cyndi's objection based on her own personal experiences. Maria and Cyndi are delegated to get props for the photo shoot. Again a conflict arises since it is felt that Summer is not utilizing Cyndi, showing a disrespect for her. Cyndi and Maria actually work well together with Cyndi's ability to get the props they want at the price they want. The team is having problems getting a clear picture of what their project will look like, and when Don Jr. drops by tries to hide the fact from him by telling him that theirs is still a "work in progress". They continue with their project but by the end of the day there have been so many changes that there was some question as to the look of the final product.
Rock Solid- Bret is tasked with the creative design of the advertorial, starting with a slogan. Rod is designated as the person on the computer which is key to the development of the advertorial. Within a short period of time, there is an awakening to the fact that Rob is really not computer literate. (As a matter of fact, Michael is having a hard time finding anything for Rob to do since he has not demonstrated that he can do much of anything.) With that revelation, Michael assigns Rod to go with Darryl to secure needed props. Work progresses, but not without trials and tribulations. . A major disagreement comes with Rock Solid when team members express that Michael is creating a wordy article that they view as a stumbling block to the success of the project. Michael Gavin stops by to visit Rock Solid, but is not favorably impressed with Michael's leadership in the project. He expresses concerns for the project pretty much in line with Bret's concern.... too much, too much. Wordy, without clear direction.
Both teams presented their project to the executives from both companies and each team left with questionable feelings about their work.
Following the presentations, Donald met with the executives for feedback. They expressed that team Tenacity's lacked education about the product, but that Rock Solid was too verbose. They also felt that Tenacity's had no call to action and had "some problems". They felt that Curtis was not the best selection for Celebrity Spokesperson and expressed that they would have preferred seeing Goldberg as the centerpiece rather than a celebrity chef.
The Boardroom
Each team critiqued it's performance and team members. Summer, of team Tenacity, cited Cyndi as a distraction and was supported by Holly, thus throwing Cyndi under the bus. When it was Michael's turn he revealed that Rob was felt the weakest player since there was little he was able to do. Both teams reviewed the other teams advertorial and critiqued it. Cyndi provided poignant information about Rock Solid's work and was supported by Gavin. Rock Solid defended their work stating that Tenacity's work was an advertisement, not an advertorial and that they had done what had been asked of them.
Winner: Tenacity was declared the winner and $20,000 was given to Summer for her charity - Right To Play.
Norton 360 and Lifelock made an additional donation to the charity.
The Decision: Who will be "fired" as a result of the loss by Rock Solid. Michael took full responsibility for the loss because he was the project manager, but felt that there should have been stronger support/suggestions from team members. He continued to say that Rob was the weakest team member. Bret and Rob both felt that as project manager, Michael should be "
fired", but to their surprise Darryl spoke up and said that if Donald felt that someone should be "fired", he should be "fired". Some debate ensued and it became clear that Darryl wanted "out" so Donald "fired" Darryl much to the surprise and disappointment of team members.

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