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Thursday, March 11, 2010


Beginning on Day 12
Some discussion of the last Survivor eliminated- Cirie. To sum it up, it was felt that Cerie stayed loyal 'til things got rough.
Following the Heroes' latest loss, we find signs of determination to win. J.T. and Amanda in their discussion said "Bring it on."
The Heroes camp was keeping busy, building team spirit and commitment. On the beach, Coach was found leading the tribe members in group meditation and movement in order to gain complete body control. He is seen telling tribe members that the mind and body must get on the same page. Huh! Did I just say tribe members... well, tribe members except for Russell. Where was Russell? You got it ! He was on his own mission; finding the individual idol which he felt was a very important "tool". Find it he did with the exclamation, " This is my key!" Again, he was put in what one might call the cat-bird seat.
Called together for the Reward Challenge which was a basket ball type competition with part of each tribe in a pit throwing a ball to the remaining tribe members who were on a platform. The tribe member on the platform then had to throw the ball into the basket at the opposite end of the court. The tribe to successfully get two balls in their basked would be declared the winner.
After explaining the challenge, Jeff Probst then proceeded to describe the reward. The winning tribe would be treated with a chocolate feast at a beautiful watering hole nearby. Additionally, to prepare them for the reward he passed small pieces of chocolate around for each person to sample. Interestingly enough, the Heroes refused the enticing treat. Why? They explained that they were focused to win, not for the reward but to "win". During the competition, James injured his left leg thus causing the Heroes to play one person short. The Winners: The Villains.
Back at the Villains camp, Russell tells Parvati that he has found the idol. Parvati and Russell are allies. Then Russell decides to tell Coach because he trusts him. In turn, Coach honors Russell for trusting him. Of course, this is all part of Russell's plan. He boasts that the King he is, he will Knight the Dragon Slayer.
Things are different for the Heroes. They are all a twitter about James' injury. Tom though feels that someone hobbled could be an advantage. There was the realization that if they lose the Immunity Challenge that James will need to be voted off.
The Immunity Challenge:
This was another puzzle challenge whereby one tribe member would be the "caller" and other members would be blindfolded and with direction from the "caller" would locate and transport the larger-than-life puzzle parts to a designated location where they would assemble the puzzle - without blindfold, of course. The first tribe to complete the puzzle would win immunity. The WINNER : The Villains.
Both tribes returned to camp, but the Heroes have a decision to make. Who to eliminate. There was a consensus that either James or Tom should be voted off. Going into Tribal Council it seemed as though the decision would be the result of a swing vote which they agreed would come from J.T. since he was known to flip-flop and play whatever hand fit that day.

Tribal Council
Jeff Probst posed several questions directed to Rupert, J.T., and James. There was some assessment as to what happened during the challenges. It was obvious that there were negative feelings about Tom. James said that Tom needs to shut-up and Tom, in turn said that James is being kept for his vote. The vote was taken and both Tom and James drew the votes but Tom, receiving the majority had his torch extinguished. Good-bye, Tom.
I am left to ponder:
Will James recover sufficiently to be able to contribute to the tribe and victories in the next challenges?
Will there be a consequence to Russell for his finding the Immunity Idol, which went against an assumed agreement among Tribe members?
See you back here following the next episode.
By-the-Way... the next episode won't air until Wednesday, March 24th

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