Nothing Beats A Try But A Failure, Sandra
As this episode opens, Russell is confronting Parvati as to her actions at the last Tribal Council. Why did she accept the immunity idol from him when she already had one. He wants to know why she lied to him. She says she did not lie to him, she just didn't tell him that she already had an idol. He informs her that he is mad with her but she tells him it's alright- be mad. Her feelings are that he thinks he is in control and that by her actions she put a little scare into him. This certainly lets Russell to wonder, who is in control? At this same time, Rupert says that there is no way that Russell, Parvati and Jerri will be broken up. He feels that he needs to work to get Sandra to swing over to his alliance. While watching action on the ocean, Russell and Candice discuss what is happening to the tribe and pursuing the possibility that she will join his alliance. Russell says that right now it looks as though the ship is sinking unless someone else can be brought into the alliance; making a pitch to her to be that person. He acknowledges that it doesn't matter what Sandra does because if Candice will join his alliance they will still be strong.
Jeff Probst announces that the challenge is a Survival version of shuffleboard. The Tribe will be split into three teams. ( Black Team-Candice, Parvati and Jessie, Red Team- Russell, Rupert and Sandra and Blue Team-Colby, Amber and Danielle ) At the end of a spirited game, Colby wins the game for the Blue Team and they are the recipients of a trip to the Robert Louis Stevenson house for a screening of Treasure Island.
The Blue Team embarked on their reward trip which included a tour of the Robert Louis Stevenson house. All were excited for the trip but Amanda was almost obsessed at the thoughts of finding a clue for a hidden idol. As Colby, Amanda and Danielle sprawled out over a bed to watch the movie, Danielle when reaching into the popcorn found the clue. Quickly, she thought, she put the clue down beside the bed hoping that no one saw her with the clue. Wrong, Amanda caught the action and immediately came over to her side of the bed and located the rolled clue which had been placed on the floor. She, in her desperation for possession of the clue snatched it up. This was the beginning of what one might call a "cat fight". Danielle was just as determined to keep the clue as Amanda was to get it. Colby was passive about the happening, continuing to watch the movie.
Once back at Yin-Yang camp Danielle is seen with Russell, Jerri and Parvati where she tells them of the fight which ensued between she and Amanda. (She seemed to have embellished her account of the happening or else the camera did not capture the full event.) The four of them set out to find the idol. Looking among the rocks the idol is found. Guess who found it? Yep! Russell. The King of Hidden Immunity Idols . He keeps it hid from the others. Later he is seen talking with Candice where he tells her that he has the idol and even agrees to show it to her. This, he anticipates
will build trust with her and consequently gain another ally. She tells Russell that she now trusts him despite the fact that she tells the camera that she is still not sure she does. Meanwhile, Sandra is making her next move. She is seen talking and walking with Colby as he is telling her that he thinks that now is the time to take out either Parvati or Russell since it can be assumed that Danielle has the idol since she had the clue. With information from Colby, Sandra then goes to Russell and her tells her that he trusts her. Sandra then makes her way to Rupert who wants to put Russell out. He says that Russell is "garbage" It appears as though it is between Parvati and Russell.
will build trust with her and consequently gain another ally. She tells Russell that she now trusts him despite the fact that she tells the camera that she is still not sure she does. Meanwhile, Sandra is making her next move. She is seen talking and walking with Colby as he is telling her that he thinks that now is the time to take out either Parvati or Russell since it can be assumed that Danielle has the idol since she had the clue. With information from Colby, Sandra then goes to Russell and her tells her that he trusts her. Sandra then makes her way to Rupert who wants to put Russell out. He says that Russell is "garbage" It appears as though it is between Parvati and Russell.
The challenge is that each tribal member is given 150 wooden tiles that they are to build into a house of cards, 10 feet tall. Each person suffers his/her trials with the building process but finally it appears to be a contest between Jerri and Russell. In the end, Jerri won, but by only a few seconds. Jerri was elated because this was the first time in any season she had been on that she had won an immunity challenge.
Candice is listening as the others, Colby, Rupert, Amanda and Sandra discuss their plan to vote Russell out and goes right to Russell to tell him. Not far behind is Sandra who is angry with Candice for informing Russell and who is confronted by Russell wanting to know why she said she was going to vote him out. Now the plan is foiled. Russell tells the two girls that they should vote Amanda out. He said, she's a Rob, just not in a man's body. Now Colby, Rupert and Amanda must be advised as to what happened with Russell involving Sandra and Candice. Hm mm.. the plot thickens. Because of exposure to Russell of their plan, they change the plan. It will be Parvati who Candice, Colby and Rupert will vote out. Sandra is given the responsibility of telling Amanda as to the change in plans.
Jeff Probst led the Tribal members in discussion about relationships within the tribe . Sandra reveals her feelings about how she feels that she's an outsider. Russell comments on various members of the tribe and when it came to Sandra he said "Sandra, she's just there with us.". Jeff asked, "what is the sense about the idol? Danielle, was the reply. In general it was agreed that if a Villain flips to the Heroes then you are a target. The votes were cast and prior to the tally, Jeff asked that if anyone had an idol to play that it should be played prior to the tally. Russell, because he felt insecure about the plan that the Heroes alliance was planning to vote him out, played his idol. This was a surprise to all since they felt certain that Danielle had the idol. See what happens when one assumes? Yep... often it does make an ASS out of U and ME. Amanda and Parvati got the votes.

Amanda --->
12th person voted out
On her way to Ponderosa
4th member of the jury.
As the Tribe was dismissed for the evening, Jeff Probst commented " It is very clear. The Villains are not one big happy family."
For Sandra who worked so hard and seemed so happy for the chance to vote Russell out saying it was "time for revenge" , what happened?
What was your role, really?
Where is your power?
Who really foiled your plan?
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