Questions now are:
With Boston Rob being voted off, does that increase the Heroes' chances?
Will Russell's ego put the Villains in a hole they won't be able to get out of ?
As this episode begins, we are in the Villains' camp. Russell says "if you ain't with me, you're against me." Coach, as only Coach can, says that Russell is a bully and is lamenting the fact that Jerri was so quick to align herself and him with Russell. That is "a real mistake".
Back at the Heroes' camp, it is clear that despite the agreement that the tribe would look for the idol as a team, J.T. has set out looking near the river with hopes of finding it. He did; but to his surprise, Amanda was there behind him and was immediately aware that he had found the idol. One by one, the other tribal members became aware of J.T;s find. Discussion ensued as to J.T. being the golden boy and that he is therefore dangerous.
Meanwhile the Villains received tree mail which hinted that the next challenge would provide their best meal ever. For some reason, perhaps wishful thinking, they interpreted the message as a possible clue that there would be a merge. Because of their assumption they packed up their camp and took their belongings with them to the Reward Challenge.
The Reward Challenge
Jeff told the Heroes to take a look at the new Villains' tribe; what with the loss of Rob. Jeff saw that the Villains had all of their "stuff" and was quick to inform them that they are not going to merge at this time. They moved on with the challenge which was a bowling challenge whereby the first tribe to score 3 wins based on the best performance by a tribe member would win the food reward. Because the Villains had two more members than the Heroes, two of the Villains sat out the challenge. (Selected were Sandra and Courtney) The Heroes won the Reward Challenge and were about to enjoy pizza, beer, brownies - food in abundance.
The Villains, having lost another challenge returned to camp where the members were seen expressing themselves , their feelings and concerns about one another. Jerri was upset and verbal about the loss of Rob and the "stupidity" of tearing down camp prior to the Reward Challenge. Sandra revealed that she dislikes all the other tribal members. She also went to Russell to talk about Coach, telling him that Coach wants to vote him off. The next day they were called for the Immunity Challenge.
The Immunity Challenge
The team members would be tied together and go through a muddy obstacle course to retrieve flags. The first tribe to retrieve two flags would be declared the winning tribe and the losers would go to Tribal Council where one of their members would be voted off.
With another loss for the Villains, they were faced with the decision as to who would be voted off. Would it be the weakest member in order to maintain some strength of the tribe or would they choose a strong player because of future threat? Coach was saying that everyone is down and hurting. He felt that keeping Courtney would be a mistake and expressed a desire to vote her out. Despite the fact that Russell initially wanted Coach voted off, he changed his mind after talking with alliance member Danielle. It appeared as though, based on alliances that, either Courtney or Coach would be voted off.
Tribal Council
At Tribal Council Jeff led in discussion relative to the impact of Rob's elimination. It was acknowledged that despite Rob.s dominating the tribe he was not in the dominant alliance and therefore lost out. After further discussion about tribal relationships, Coach suggested that he was the cause of poor tribal morale although he felt that he is not the person demoralizing tribe members. (Here he was hinting that it was Russell, not he)

The vote was taken: Courtney - 3 ; Coach - 4.
Coaches torch was extinguished.
In closing Jeff commented: "The problem with trust is that you don't know it's gone 'til it's too late".
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