"I'll Promise You That" & J.T.'s Brilliant Plan
The night's show opened showing the Villains discussing the success of eliminating Coach at the last Tribal Council. Jerri, who considered herself an ally with Coach was shocked by the fact that he was voted off without her even knowing that he was on the block. She is projecting that now she will be the next to go. Despite Danielle's assurance that she is not a target, Jerri will have to play differently to watch her back. Now, the alliance of Danielle, Jerri and Russell discuss the fact that Russell too had not voted Coach off and because of that they must watch themselves because it must be Sandra, and/or Courtney. They will be the next to go. I’ll promise you that,” says Russell.
Tree Mail
The next morning, at the Villains camp, Danielle finds and reads treemail . It instructs the castaways to rank their tribe members from strongest to weakest so that they can decide who each tribe member matches up against when competing with the other tribe. The treemail hints that the will test their endurance while they each stand on small footholds for regular intervals. Russell points out that although he is the strongest, he is also the heaviest and therefore does not have a good chance of winning. It is decided that all of the women should participate, while Russell sits out. As the Villains anticipate how the Heroes will rank their tribe members, they reason that because of male egos, and the challenge to rank tribe members from the strongest to the weakest; the men will go first. At the Heroes camp, Rupert and J.T. get into a conflict because Rupert see's himself at an advantage while J.T. tries to explain that weight creates a disadvantage. Despite the fact that Rupert takes offense he concedes to being placed as weakest when J.T. made his point that the smaller women with smaller feet are best suited for the challenge. Rupert remains optimistic as to the Heroes capabilities and hopes that Villain members will drop out just for the show.
The next morning, at the Villains camp, Danielle finds and reads treemail . It instructs the castaways to rank their tribe members from strongest to weakest so that they can decide who each tribe member matches up against when competing with the other tribe. The treemail hints that the will test their endurance while they each stand on small footholds for regular intervals. Russell points out that although he is the strongest, he is also the heaviest and therefore does not have a good chance of winning. It is decided that all of the women should participate, while Russell sits out. As the Villains anticipate how the Heroes will rank their tribe members, they reason that because of male egos, and the challenge to rank tribe members from the strongest to the weakest; the men will go first. At the Heroes camp, Rupert and J.T. get into a conflict because Rupert see's himself at an advantage while J.T. tries to explain that weight creates a disadvantage. Despite the fact that Rupert takes offense he concedes to being placed as weakest when J.T. made his point that the smaller women with smaller feet are best suited for the challenge. Rupert remains optimistic as to the Heroes capabilities and hopes that Villain members will drop out just for the show.
The Heroes and Villains tribes arrive and after observing that Coach was voted out at the last Tribal Council, the Heroes are now convinced that there is a powerful "girls" alliance. Host Jeff Probst explains the rules of the challenge: tribe members will use their arms to brace themselves between two walls, while their bare feet are perched on very narrow footholds and will move to increasingly smaller footholds every ten minutes until the third level where they will stay for as long as possible - producing a winner. The tribe to score 3 points first will be declared the winner of the Challenge Reward.... A feast provided by Outback Steakhouse. (Scoring a point meant that a player outlasted his/her opponent from the opposite team.) The winners were the Villains. Dinner at the Outback Steakhouse: Among social chat as they prepared to feast on "real" food, Parvati is seen unfolding her napkin where she sees a rolled-up clue to a hidden immunity idol, which she quickly hides in her underwear without anyone seeing her. Once the meal is finished, she pulls Danielle aside and shows her the clue, which hints of another immunity idol back at their camp. Pavarti is scheming .. and involved Danielle because she wanted her to feel strengthen her alliance with her. She wins Danielle over by telling her that they will keep the information from Russell until they feel he needs to know. (WOW, Is Pavarti turning on the person who saved her from being voted off. ) Over the next day, Parvati and Danielle successfully search for the hidden immunity idol in the jungle. Having found the idol in the base of a tree, Pavarti proclaims that Russell is not the only leader. She says "He’s not the King of Survivor. I’m the Queen. Usually the King does what the Queen says anyways, so I’m cool” .
At the Heroes camp, J.T. comes up with a plan, which he believes will benefit his tribemates after the merge. The plan: Because Russell feels strongly that he’s likely to be the next one going he will talk to Russell in the next immunity challenge and arrange that when the Heroes win he will be given the idol. This will allow Russell to vote out Parvati. J.T. writes Russell a note explaining what to do with the idol. Although all tribe members are not in agreement with the plan they buy-in to it.
The following day, J.T. writes his letter and instructs Russell as to what to do with the hidden immunity idol. He should play the idol to save himself. Because it is expected that all the girls will write his name down, he should act like he knows he is goinghome. J.T. further advises Russell to write Parvati’s name down so she will be sent home. J.T. says that most likely the tribes will merge at ten people and that then he would be completely safe with the Heroes and that after they vote off the girls they can work on getting into the final three.
Host Jeff Probst explained the rules of the challenge. Both tribes started on a platform floating in the water and one person at a time moved a bag of puzzle pieces along a rope and through a series of obstacles to the finish mat. Once all five bags were collected, the players used those puzzle pieces to build a totem pole. The first tribe to assemble it correctly won immunity. The Heroes assembled their totem pole, winning immunity and sending the Villains to another Tribal Council. The Villains congratulate the Heroes during which J.T. secretly handed Russell the hidden immunity idol. Russell, with his special type of humility said, “You don’t hand the enemy the idol, especially when his name is Russell Hantz.”
The Villains must now decide who to vote off and the next Tribal Council. Now with two idols in play, who will use their idol? Who will be voted off? Parvati and Russell meet at the beach where Russell shares his letter from J.T. and he and Pavarti chuckle over it. Sandra and Courtney, seeing Russell and Parvati talking and laughing become paranoid feeling certain that they are plotting against them. Decision time ! Russell, Danielle and Jerri have agreed to vote Courtney off, but Parvati seems to disagree, thinking that Courtney will be of "use" to her once the tribes are merged. Later on the beach, Russell reveals J.T.’s immunity idol to Danielle and Jerri, and the three and Parvati debate on who to get rid of – Sandra or Courtney.
At Tribal Council, Jeff questions tribal members and Sandra says that she feels that the vote is between herself and Courtney since they were a part of Boston’s Rob’s alliance. Danielle accuses Sandra of putting false rumors into people’s minds in order to control the game. This leads to a huge argument between the two. Courtney lashed out at Jerri for joing Russell’s alliance just in time to save herself. Jerri disputes the comments, denying that she was part of any alliance. With this, the Villains cast their votes, and with five out of the six votes cast against her, Courtney Yates, became the tenth person voted out and second member of the jury of SURVIVOR: HEROES VS. VILLAINS.
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